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Talk: JWs are not go to a gym???
by WingCommander ini remember just a few short years back at my old congregation, there were a few younger brothers and sisters joining gyms and going to work out.
well, i guess the elders found out that everyone's free time wasn't being spent pioneering, so a talk (down to) was given one sunday on "not letting worldy pursuits take your eyes off the prize" or some shit like that.
the whole talk was about how we should devote all time to the wts and field service, and that going to or belong to a gym was just a worldly pursuit and that it was just making or bodies "showy".
Teaching a pig to sing?
by Focus inthis is not a parable.
nor is this for most.. verily, verily, i say unto thee: "never try to teach a pig to sing.
it wastes your time and annoys the pig.".
So, what's your I.Q?
by nakedmvistar inbe honest if you know it.
and yes, we are all aware of how insignificant this number can ultimately be.
but i'm still curious so please share.
More Statistics - Even more to die at Armageddon!
by eyeslice init comes up time and again in the wts literature and meetings just how jehovah is patient and loving by allowing this system to go on, thus allowing more people to be saved.. but, the figures dont add up.. i know that witnesses dont really believe that baptism is being born again, but on the other hand, it is implied that those who are not baptized are in danger at armageddon.
this was brought out at this years dc, where young ones were urged to "seriously consider getting baptized".. .
i am aware that figures can be made to say anything but in the table below, i have attempted to look at the difference between physical births and "spiritual" births, i.e.
Court of the Crimson King
by pomegranate inrobert fripp.
guitar, soundscapes.
mellotron adrian belew.
Sudden Rash of JW Apologists
by NeonMadman inam i the only one who sees it as a bit odd that a large number of jw apologists has suddenly come out of the woodwork on this board to defend the actions of the watchtower society toward bill bowen, barbara anderson and the pandelos?
for the longest time, virtually the only ones on this board who advocated an essentially orthodox jw viewpoint were you know and nytelecom/mavman (though each of them could easily be classed with us "apostates" if the watchtower knew of their disagreements with the party line).. but suddenly, we have a bunch of totally loyal, utterly doctrinaire jw apologists posting almost exclusively on threads related to the pedophile issue.
most of them are taking next to impossible positions from any reasonable standpoint.
by Billygoat ini usually delete these type of emails, but thought it was an interesting analogy and i thought i'd share.... .
a young woman went to her mother and told her about her life and how things were so hard for her.
she did not know how she was going to make it and wanted to give up.
Real god name: Jehovah, Yahweh??
by Yaron777 ini just today found this forum and read these discussion in here, some good stuff found, thanks.
reason why i'm here is, because one of my friend is jehovah witness, and we have discussed many things.
i myself don't know very much about bible.
Some Musings
by Farkel ini sent it to kent.
the only thing that kept me going was the thought of what my suicide would do to my children for the rest of their lives.
i finally got the courage to seek help for that depression, and im fine now.. alanf and gedanken (two of my good friends) helped me out, and i am most grateful for that.